Research DE-Colonized: Ethical, Indigenous-Led Health and Wellness Research in Canada
Research DE-Colonized: Ethical, Indigenous-Led Health and Wellness Research in Canada
Inspiring Indigenous Scholars: Interview with Spencer Greening/La’goot
In this long (but, thrilling!) episode, Laura sits down for a heartfelt, honest conversation with Tsimshian scholar Spencer Greening/La’goot to discuss his journey through academe. Covering a range of exciting topics, Spencer shares his experiences and thoughts on:
· Growing up out of his community and reconnecting to his roots
· Doing research with and for his community
· When and where hereditary and colonial governance structures interface, as witnessed in his home community
· Rebuilding and re-imaging our relationship to the land as a mechanism to combat environmental degradation and negative impacts of climate change
· Navigating the complexities of cultural and community priorities, versus academic and institutional expectations and commitments
· Perspectives on the A-word (anthropology) and Indigenous communities, combatting colonial legacies.