Research DE-Colonized: Ethical, Indigenous-Led Health and Wellness Research in Canada
Join the British Columbia Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research and members of their Indigenous Health Research Facilitator team as they connect with inspiring Indigenous health and wellness scholars, healthcare professionals, and communities sharing their stories of how they’re decolonizing health and wellness research, changing healthcare and academe along the way. Topics of conversation will cover pathways into health and wellness research, techniques and research design, funding research, past and present health and wellness projects, and ethical research protocols when involving Indigenous communities, collectives and organizations.
Research DE-Colonized: Ethical, Indigenous-Led Health and Wellness Research in Canada
Creating Safer Spaces - Interview with Harley Eagle
In this episode, Laura sits down with the amazing Harley Eagle to talk all things cultural safety. This episode is highly recommended as a resource for those offering cultural humility/safety training and for those hoping to start their own journey on how to create and contribute to safer spaces for Indigenous peoples.